Today's potential

Today’s potential

Here I am, here is where I belong --

One essential drop in an ocean of awe,

An ocean of possibility, an ocean of life.

A new day -- fresh and eager for my participation.

Above and all around me is life in a million expressions --

blue sky and infinitely expanding galaxies,

And beneath my two feet,

a precious planet giving me form, food and beauty.

I can relax. I belong.

Opening, I can receive all that I truly am

My rapidly dividing cellular particulars

coming alive in their special songs.

Countless possibilities unfold before me today.

If I release myself from the habits of my days,

the habits of my ways:

What might be drawn forth from me?

What new creation wants to emerge?

In this pause before beginning

I find the source for today’s gift of life --

the reservoir of stillness and respect.

I smile from here and am thankful.

The chaff of my discontents and transgressions blown away

with the breeze emanating from my gentle breathing.

I am drawn into the clarity of my heart’s own beating.

The melody of today’s song waiting to be created.

As the pulses and patterns of my body are awakening,

I seek to quiet my mind’s arousal and control the distractions of thought.

I swaddle myself in my morning mantra

turning my attention to the life force that cradles mine.

From this still point -- my day, my life naturally expands.

From this still point -- all within me is created.

Sourced from harmony, may my day flow freely ...

(sourced from the Eight Verses Zhineng Qigong)

-- Judy “Guma” Tretheway) November 24, 2018

Judy "Guma" Tretheway