Rubicon Ramblings Poetry

Poems and photos that sing the song of the forest. Purchase the book: 

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Like a happy creek

If I lead my life as I think I ought

I drown in my own journey

I drown pushing the river

If I am led like a horse on a rein

What can I say for my own creative process

If I yield and flow

Responding to the openings

I can laugh like a happy creek

Even when rocks block

What I think is my path.

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Holding Stillness

The trees hold the stillness

An active engaged stillness

Responding to the weather, the seasons, the critters

Steady, stable in their growing, in their dying

Quietly offering what is theirs to offer - air, shelter, wood, food

And to me the gift of their essence

Teaching me

Embracing my stumbling mobility

Inspiring my core

Connecting me with something ancient

something holy

something so very real.

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Feature 3

Everywhere I go

I come for the quiet

and what do I hear

the crashing of the tumbling creek,

splashing its way past rock and limb,

the stirring of the wind in the treetops,

the buzz of the mosquito hovering for its next meal.


I come for the stillness

and everywhere I turn there is movement.

Bubbles popping and water splashing

Insects darting on breezes

waving the willows and ferns.


I come for renewal

and everywhere around me is destruction.

Trees rotting, flowers dying.

My own steps dislodging infant plants and crushing pinecones.


I come to let go and release

and everywhere around me life reaches out.

Calling forth the insects to the flower

The rocks waiting patiently but eagerly for the waters caress

The creek scrambling, tumbling without pause

Fern sprouts unfurling in the summer’s heat


I come to stretch my limbs and move my body

and everywhere I turn I am beckoned to stop and take note,

to rest and be comforted,

to pay honor to this special place and name its rugged beauty.


Everywhere I go,

I am already here.