Prison Qigong teaching and Haola principles
How the Prisons taught me Haola
Haola is a chant, a blessing, a greeting, and a philosophy. It means "All is well, so be it." or "Everything is getting better." Remembering Haola helps us focus our consciousness in a healing direction. It is not the common philosophy in the prisons system, yet it became a core teaching in my classes inside.
This video is of a guest teaching I gave during the Pure Qi 2013 classes taught by Master Mingtong Gu, The Chi Center, in Petaluma, CA. Note we cover a few other topics quickly and then move into the prison stories.
Haola and the Prison teaching
The essay I wrote when I was first inspired to give a talk linking Haola and my Prison experiences.
Prison Journey Blog
From 2006 until 2013 I blogged to encourage others to teach in prisons and to understand what was happening in my experiences. That blog is no longer accessible, yet I have the entire collection in this word document. If you are wanting to connect and share about teaching inside, please reach out to me.
The entire prison blog 2006-2013 in a word doc.
Praying for our Prisons - campaign and essay
For several years we had a powerful group of women that met monthly to pray for the spiritual transformation of the prison system. We visualized prisons becoming institutions cultivating peace and healing. One of our activities was to write this booklet.
Praying for our Prisons booklet pdf